Monday, July 18, 2005

I must be insane

I can always tell when something is not going well in my life, because I stop knitting. I don't do it on purpose. It's just one of those things that happens. I haven't touched the needles in over a week. My good friend, Angela, drove down from Canada to deliver a spinning wheel to me (well, and to visit with all of her other lovely friends in the beautiful PNW), and I haven't even started to spin. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME????

I started a new job. Yep, new job stress will do it to you. Back to retail, where image is everything. And I'm really a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal. (My t-shirt usually has food stains and some kind of kid-dirt stains on it). Tomorrow is a day off, and I am looking forward to getting a lot of household things taken care of. The Sears man is supposed to arrive at my doorstep at 8am prompt to fix my dryer. Amazing what things can make us SAHM's happy :-) Then it will be off to the post office to mail some things, then a stop at Target and finally the grocery store. Sounds like a really exciting day, doesn't it? If the weather cooperates (and it's not too hot) perhaps I will get some spinning in. And how about another blog post perhaps about Black Sheep (over a month ago), or the SHARK that DS caught? Now there is motivation!