Friday, September 07, 2007

Princess Feet

Did you ever wonder what princess feet look like? Wonder no more....

Socks courtesy of Grandma.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Old Friends are True Friends

While in Sweden, we were able to meet up with our very first au pair and her family for a lovely dinner in a traditional Swedish neighborhood. Their house and all their neighbors back into a triangular shaped lot that is open to the community and houses a playground. I really love this design, as it keeps all of the kids away from the street, and it makes it impossible for strangers to see the kids because you have to pass through a home to get to this shared park area. Lovely. The kids really enjoyed playing on the swings and in the sandbox. As the evening drew near and it started to get chilly, we moved inside to visit. Here you can see Linnea didn't miss a beat in getting down on the floor to play Playmobil with Alex. Linnea, you are such a sweetheart, thanks to you and your family for welcoming us into your home for the evening. It's so nice to renew old friendships.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Look at this beauty!

The reason we planned the trip to Sweden is that it was my MIL's birthday. A significant birthday, but I am not at liberty to say which one. (wink) My good friend and fabulous glass designer, Sheila, picked out a very special bead from her collection and made it into a necklace as a gift for a very special lady. Doesn't she look great?!

The Month of August

Whew - what a whirlwind! The month of August just flew by. Here are a couple pictures to show the events. You can also view Mom's blog to see more about what we did when she visited us in Seattle.

The month started with a very cold birthday party:

Then there was the intro to T-Ball:

And some fires that needed putting out:

Evidently some knitting was accomplished in between the TBall and the cold swimming:

Then there was the trip to Sweden which warrants it's own blog post. Suffice it to say that we met Pippi Longstocking:

And her horse:

And some wild cats:

And then finally, the day all parents have been waiting for since about mid-July - the first day back to school:
