Friday, May 30, 2008

Button Stash

First Emmy gets a yarn stash, and now Maggie has a button stash!

Sheila came through with a gorgeous selection of buttons which she made special for Maggie's sweater. Thanks Sheila!

The sweater is a little roomy and Sheila knew that Maggie will be wearing it for years, so she sent an assortment. Maggie can switch them out over time as her mood suits.

This one is my favorite, and the first one that will be sewn on, tonight, I promise!

A heartfelt thank you, dearest friend, for the beautiful buttons made full of love!

ps - see you in 20 days!


vanessa said...

special special special!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen....I am Very Happy to know that the buttons were a hit! I enjoyed making them for Maggie & her BEEutiful sweater.
I'm glad that I get to be a little part ;)
Can't wait to see you!!

Melanie said...

Beautiful buttons for a beautiful sweater for a beautiful little girl! Lovely.